
For any questions or suggestions, please reach out to the president of the College through one of these communication channels:

Rev. Dr. Jean Mpoy Tshibangu 

WhatsApp/Telegram: +255 656 202 346

P.O. Box 3113 – Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.

Email: [email protected]

Certificate Christian Life

This program will equip a new believer with the basic knowledge to live a fructuous Christian life. It is also a good refresher course for more mature Christians.

Your New Life

When you asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, something wonderful happened. You began a new life. Your sins were forgiven,
and you were born into the family of God. Although your new life is a gift from God in heaven, you begin to live it now on earth. Learn how to live it according to God’s principles. Let Your New Life teach you how to grow and find joy in your new life in Christ.

Your Bible

Your Word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path,” said King David many years ago. No matter how difficult your situation is, or what decision you need to make, you can have the same assurance that King David had. This 107-page course adapted by Judy Bartel from The original course written by Louise Jeter Walker will introduce you to the Bible and help you study it to gain insight into the way that God views our circumstances and helps us when we ask him.

Who Jesus Is

The best place to learn about the identity of Jesus is the Bible. This course, written by Elton G. Hill and adapted by Louise Jeter Walker, gives a vivid look at the life of Jesus beginning with His birth and continuing to the prophecies about His second coming. At the end of this course, there is an invitation for the reader to have a personal encounter with Jesus. Available in print.

The Church

This course not only describes the Church (where it came from, how it began, and what would happen to it in the future), but it also shows how each member of the body of Christ can be more useful as they put into practice what they learn. This 110-page course by Donald Smeeton gives the believer a better understanding of their place in the Church and also shows them how to fulfill their potential as One of the indispensable parts of the body of Christ.

Personal Evangelism

Jesus was our example in taking the Good news to people everywhere and He wants us to share the gospel wherever we go. This 44-page course by Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo will help the reader understand the true nature of evangelism. Knowing the principles contained in this course will enable believers to share Christ with the people around them in a more convincing, powerful, and positive way.

Bible Ethics

Far too often we dwell on the things we feel are prohibited to us because We are Christians. But the motivating factor behind righteous living should be that Jesus said, “Be holy because I am holy.” This 38-page course by John and Sara Miles clarifies the reasons behind the rules that were made to help believers enjoy serving God and being holy as He is holy.

When You Pray

When God made us, He put something in us that reached out for Him. We realize that we need a power greater than our own to solve our problems, protect us, and meet our needs. Through prayer, we learn to reach out to God for help and this 100-page course by J. Robert Ashcroft shows us how to get our prayers answered and have our needs to be met as we pray and worship God.

How to Study the Bible

Once we have chosen to follow God’s plan for our lives, we are not only responsible for conforming our lives and characters to Christ’s image but for sharing Christ’s love with others so that their lives can also be transformed. We can best fulfill our responsibilities as we respond to the Holy Spirit when He reveals God’s mind to us as we study the Bible. This 132-page course by Thomas Maphori gives a great deal of necessary insight for those who are interested in organizing their study of the Bible.

Your Helpful Friend

Everyone needs friends and everyone values those special friends who are always there when you need them the most. Each of us has a special friend in the Holy Spirit, and this course by Louise Jeter Walker tells about this very special friend in its l44 pages. Many students have experienced the Baptism in the Holy Spirit after studying this course.

Christian Worship

As you grow in your Christian life, the desire to worship the Lord grows—and that desire must be fulfilled. God also longs to have fellowship and communion with His children. This 118-page course by Judy Bartel will help those who seek to maintain consistent private devotions by illustrating both the need for and the benefit of worship. It also gives some essential guidelines that will be beneficial for group worship.

Christian Workers

You can know how to fit into God’s design as a member of the body of Christ and learn how God will equip you to serve Him in the church. This 119-page course by Marian Brandt relates how God organized the church and put each member in the body of Christ according to His plan. It also gives practical suggestions to follow in order to find and develop the gifts that will allow each individual to edify the church. It will help in understanding how to work with the leaders of the local church and how gifted believers can minister to
those who need their help.

Marriage and the Home

Many young couples take this course in preparation for marriage and find several time-tested rules for developing a happy home.
As they study this 160-page course by Rex Jackson, family members learn to appreciate each other more by learning the basic principles of proper relationships in the home. Marriage was established by God and the family is the building block of society. Without strong family units, the church cannot be what God intended for it to be. This course deals with all of the aspects of marriage and home that make the family the strong unit that the church rests upon.

John’s Gospel

This course follows the pattern of John’s Gospel and centers on the person of Jesus. It deals with many of the intimate details of Jesus’ life, His teaching, and His claims that are not found in the other Gospels. In its 184 pages, author Rex Jackson takes the reader on a chapter-by-chapter study of the Gospel of John, and presents the vivid description of Christ that was given by the beloved disciple who was His closest human associate during His years of ministry.

We Believe

Learning from God’s Word helps us to answer the questions of what we believe and why we believe. Hence, we become what we believe. The themes in this course are challenging, the content is biblical and the result will impact the rest of your life.

What Churches Do

What is the purpose of churches and why do people go to church? What does it mean to be baptized? Why should a believer take communion? Is it scriptural to dedicate babies? This 154-page course by Robert and Evelyn Bolton will answer Many of the most frequently asked questions about the church. The experiences of Mary, a new convert, and her fiance, Timothy, are followed throughout the book to illustrate the biblical basis for what churches do and why they do it.

The Teaching Ministry

Teaching is like throwing a small rock in a pool of water. As we teach and our students, in turn, teach others, the results are like ripples of water, reaching out to the world around us. This 44-page course by Marjorie Steward will help illustrate how to have a teaching ministry that is both productive and rewarding. Jesus commissioned his followers to “…teach all nations… teaching them to obey and to
observe all things whatsoever have commanded…” This is the mandate that must be carried out by the church. Available in print.

The Christian in His Community

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you have already experienced profound changes in your life. Certainly one of these changes was an alteration of your attitude towards others. We are all part of the same community and this 158-page course by Donald Stuckless teaches us that this community is much more than the place where we live. It is a spirit, or attitude that we have toward others and God wants us to realize the importance of demonstrating the proper attitude towards others.

21st Century Discipleship: Getting Started

Getting started right is one of the keys to success in all areas of life, including following Jesus Christ. This course contains practical lessons that will help you capitalize on the joy and excitement of being born again. If you are serious about discipleship, this course is for you!

21st Century Discipleship: Facing Issues

This course contains practical lessons that will help you identify and deal biblically with challenges to experience the joy and excitement of a relationship with Christ. If you are serious about spiritual growth and fruitfulness, This course is for you.

21st Century Discipleship: Making a Difference

Making a Difference is the third of a three-course series belonging to Global University’s 21st Century Discipleship series. It contains practical lessons that will enable you to understand the role you play in serving God and others as you strive to live out the scriptures teaches that although we cannot become completely like Christ, we are to reach for this highest of goals that the Bible sets for us since this will enable us to achieve more than accomplishing a goal that is too low.

Prayer and Worship

Worship includes praise and service to God. Author Morris Williams introduces us to a new life of prayer and worship. A closer look at the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples shows that Jesus believed we cannot separate prayer and worship from our living. Prayer is never finished; it is part of everything we do. In this course, prayer is presented as the preparation for worship, and worship is defined as constantly living in a way that pleases God and fulfills His purposes.

The Responsible Christian

Author Jose R. Silva Delgado shows us how to become faithful stewards. In a parable, Jesus commended two good stewards who had managed their assets wisely and condemned the one who did nothing with what he had been given. This course teaches how to manage and invest what God has entrusted to us so that one day He will say, “‘Well done, good and faithful servant…. Come and share your master’s happiness!'” (Matthew 25:23).


Apply now by sending a motivational letter, presenting your Christian life/ ministry experience, through one of our contact details/channels.. The two programs can be studied in many different languages

Contact Us

For any questions or suggestions, please reach out to the president of the College through one of these communication channels:

Rev. Dr. Jean Mpoy Tshibangu 

WhatsApp/Telegram: +255 742034037

Email: [email protected]

P.O. Box 3113 – Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.